- “11” is the soundtrack to the animated movie “The Eleventh” (directed by Dziga Vertov, Alexander Rodchenko, 1928)
- “Othello” is the soundtrack to the movie “Othello” (directed by Dmitry Bukhovetsky, 1922)
- “Struggle of the Giants” is the soundtrack to the movie “Struggle of the Giants” (directed by Victor Turin)
- “Mail” is the soundtrack to the cartoon “Mail” (directed by Mikhail Tsekhanovsky, 1929).
- “A Tale of General Disarmament” is the soundtrack to the animated feature film “A Tale of General Disarmament” (directed by Leiman, 1929)
- “Sold Appetite” – soundtrack to the cartoon “Sold Appetite” (directed by Okhlopkov)
- “Take Care of the Paper” – soundtrack to the cartoon “Take Care of the Paper” (directed by Roitman, 1930).
- “The Palace of Arts of the USSR” is the soundtrack to the cartoon “The Palace of Arts of the USSR” (1930).
- “The Absentee” – soundtrack to the cartoon “The Absentee” (directed by Roitman, 1929).
- “Dniprelstan” – soundtrack to the animation “Dniprelstan” (directed by Evgeny Makarov, 1927)
- “Berry of Love” – soundtrack to the movie “Berry of Love” (directed by Alexander Dovzhenko)
- “Provocateur” is the soundtrack to the movie “Provocateur” (directed by Victor Turin)
- “The Dipcurrier’s Bag” – soundtrack to the movie “The Dipcurrier’s Bag” (directed by Alexander Dovzhenko, 1927)
- “Uncle’s Apartment” – soundtrack to the movie “Uncle’s Apartment” (directed by Pyotr Chardynin, 1913)
- “Keep silence, Sadness, keep silence” – soundtrack to the movie “Keep silence, Sadness, keep silence” (directed by Peter Chardynin, 1918)
2011 год
- “Two Days” is the soundtrack to the movie “Two Days” (directed by George Stabovyy, 1920)